As Good as it Gets
2010-02-27 @ 11:46:21
Livet från den ljusa sidan ja - jag älskar den filmen. Den är sprängfylld med grymma citat och ptja, Helen Hunt och Jack Nicholson. Lovley!
Come on in, and try not to ruin everything by being you.
I grew up in hell! My grandmother has more attitude than you!
If there's a mental health organization that raises money for people like you, be sure to let me know.
Carol the waitress, Simon the fag.
When you first entered the restaurant, I thought you were handsome... and then, of course, you spoke.
What if this is as good as it gets?
... if you make her laugh, you got a life.
People who talk in metaphors oughta shampoo my crotch.
I'm drowning here, and you're describing the water!
Can we get you anything else? Water, coffee, couple of female slaves?
Why can't I have a normal boyfriend? Just a regular boyfriend, one that doesn't go nuts on me!
-Everybody wants that, dear. It doesn't exist.
Melvin, do you know where you're lucky? You know who you want.